Saturday, January 19, 2008


Este es un LO digital que hice de práctica para ir acostumbándome a trabajar con los layers. He decidido poco a poco ir aprendiendo acerca del SB digital. Este es un mundo totalmente diferente al SB tradicional, pero no por eso deja de ser fascinante.

La chica de la foto es la gran Cremora. No por ser gata deja de tener su "personalidad" muy definida. Ella tiene cada una de las características que dice el LO y mucho más. Es extremadamente tímida con las personas que no conoce, pero cuando estamos solas definitivamente reclama su atención y soy esclava de darle sus mimos. A diferencia de mi otra gatita Sacha, la cual luego les mostraré, esta chica se la pasa buscando que la soben. Son dos animalitos muy diferentes que han llegado a aprender a vivir juntas y se la pasan el dia jugando y correteando por la casa. Miguel y yo somos esclavos de estas dos niñas, como les decimos...porque tu nunca eres dueño del gato, el gato te posee a ti.

This is a simple digital LO I just made to practice how to use layers in Adobe Photoshop. I am starting to learn about digital SB. ALthough is very different than the tradicional one, I find it very interesting and useful.

The "girl" in the photo is my cat Cremora. She has an unique "personality". The Tag in the LO means Chubby, overeater, fussy, sleepyhead. She is all that and then something more....ahhh, but I do love her. She is very shy with new people, but when we are alone she claims all the attention for herself. She likes to be fondle and when I don't pay her attention she yells like a maniac. My other cat which I will introduce to you later is very different, she is more sociable with people but doesn't like to be touched a lot and hardly "speaks". They have learn to live together and when they are not sleeping they are playing and running all over the apartment. We are slaves to this two animals as I once read....."You never own a cat, a cat own's you" ;)

Esta tarjeta que tambien hice utilizando el sketch challenge de Beate está inspirada en Cremora, mi gata regordeta. Para la tarjeta utilizé un stamp de TAC, Cat's Meow y un stamp de fondos de florecitas de TAC tambien. Usé los papeles 6x6 de la colección Romani de BG. El stamp es de Cat's Meow de TAC. La palabra "cherish" es de Fancy Pants y las florecitas son de Prima. El gatito lo pinté con acuarelas y despues recorté la imagen.

Cremora was the inspiration for this new card which I also made using this week Beate's sketch challenge. The stamp is Cat's Meow from TAC, as the floral background in the circle. The word cherish is from Fancy Pants and the flowers are Prima. I used the 6x6 pad of BG Romani Collection. I watercolored the cat image, then paperpieced it and placed it over the tag with 3D tape. I need more practice with coloring my stamps but I am rather pleased with the actual outcome.


Anonymous said...

I am glad you took a break to stamp. Your card turned out lovely!
Thanks so much for participating in the challenge.

Hugs and smiles

Anonymous said...

Love your blog Joan! Can't wait to visit more--your SBS Sistah Amber:)

Latisha said...

I have never done a digital lo before. You did a great job!

Unknown said...

Joan, lovely cards and Cremora is a very proud cat! Well done on your digital one, Photoshop can be a bit daunting at first...

Yani said...

No puedo con Cremora... que cosa mas bellaaaa!!

Daly said...

OMG!!! Estas practicando SB Digital... me siento tan contenta. BTW el LO te quedo hermoso....el uso de bevels me encanto, resalta muy bien los adjetivos que le das...